Brett Ledingham maintains a specialized practice in energy and mining law. He has experience assisting exploration and development companies regarding traditional resources such oil & natural gas, uranium, and potash, and non-traditional resources such as helium, lithium, and geothermal resource development. He assists mineral rights-holders with leases, estate issues and estate planning matters.

Clayton was born and raised in Saskatchewan and enjoys working with clients who, like him, have a fascination for the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of folks from the Prairies. Clayton works with small business owners, farm clients, and members of the transportation industry. He also has a busy real estate practice and particularly enjoys working with first time home buyers.

Ellen is an associate lawyer at the firm’s Saskatoon office. She maintains a practice in general litigation. Ellen has represented clients before all levels of the Court in Saskatchewan. Ellen has experience in providing legal services in a variety of areas, including: civil litigation, criminal law, estate planning and administration, and insurance law.