Class actions create and reflect unique challenges to defendants. The stakes are rarely higher. We understand how a class action can affect a defendant’s current operations and future business. McDougall Gauley LLP’s experienced class action defence team has the expertise and knowledge to help defendants navigate the defence of a class action. We work to help clients manage both the legal risks of a class action and the public relations and business concerns that accompany them, with the aim of achieving the best possible outcome in these dynamic, high-stakes cases.
Our class action defence team has experience defending clients across a broad range of industries, including manufacturing, pharmaceutical, communications, service, biotechnology, and agricultural sectors. Our team has defended claims related to product liability, conspiracy to control a marketplace, improper levying of fees and charges, negligence, nuisance, and environmental claims.
McDougall Gauley LLP’s class action defence team has worked with local, national, and multinational companies. We regularly act in cooperation with legal teams across Canada and internationally to represent the client’s interests in Saskatchewan.