Results 121 - 132 of 149
Contaminated Commercial Sites in Saskatchewan
Do you know what historically took place on the commercial land you own or the land surrounding it? If not, there is a chance it may be contaminated. While this may not necessarily impact you while you own the land, it can have huge financial repercussions if you ever go to sell or refinance, even if the contamination migrated to your property from...
Amendments To The CBCA Effective June 13, 2019
As part of the federal government’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism initiatives, the federal government is implementing several changes to the Canadian Business Corporations Act (“CBCA”) through Bill C-86. These changes come into force on June 13, 2019. By this date, all non-distributing, federally incorporated corporations will need to...
Completion of Saskatchewan’s First P3 Project
The Province of Saskatchewan’s first Public-Private Partnership (P3) project has been completed in Swift Current. The project known as The Meadows is a 225 bed long-term care facility. In a release dated May 2, 2016, the Province confirmed the project was completed on time and on budget resulting in a total savings of $16 million dollars over a...
The International Student’s Path to Permanent Residency
International students face many obstacles in becoming permanent residents. There are two options for students to obtain permanent residency, with the Express Entry program being one of the options. Candidates that enter Express Entry are assigned Comprehensive Ranking System points based on a number of criteria and only the candidates with top...
Upcoming Changes to Filing Securities Reports
Effective May 24, 2016, issuers who engage in the private placement of exempt market securities in Saskatchewan and some other provinces will be required to file their Reports on Exempt Distribution via the Canadian Securities Administrator’s System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (“SEDAR”). An issuer is able to rely on a number of...
Leases & Subdivision Requirements under The Planning & Development Act
The subdivision provisions of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (Saskatchewan) (the “ Act”) might, in some circumstances, affect the validity of a lease. Consider the following example. Company A owns land that includes a number of standalone buildings. The land is described on one Certificate of Title. Company B offers to lease one of those...
Business Transition Planning
Business Transition Planning is the process of preparing to hand over control of your business to others in a way that is the least disruptive to the business’ operations and value. It is important to have a transition plan because less than one third of family businesses survive the transition into the second generation. Of those businesses only...
Have we learned anything from the documentary “Making a Murderer”
Viewers have had a time to ponder the Netflix documentary “Making a Murderer” that generated so much interest in the Stephen Avery case. In the interest of full disclosure: I binge-watched the series in two evenings (I assume this is how most of Netflix content is consumed). I was left having no idea if Avery was the killer or not. I tend to watch...
Saskatchewan Families: Built for Life on the Open Road
The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal recently weighed in on the effect the distance between a parent’s residence to the child’s school in a rural area may have on a parenting arrangement, while considering the best interests of a child pursuant to The Children’s Law Act, 1997. In Dukart v Quantrill (Jones), 2015 SKCA 138 one of the grounds of appeal...
Understanding the Risks of Joint Tenancy in Estate Planning
If you are considering transferring real property (such as your house or farmland) or personal property (such as a bank account) into joint tenancy with your spouse, adult child, or any other person, as part of your estate plan it is important to be aware that there may be significant problems that result from placing property in joint tenancy. It...
Medical Malpractice 101
Most of us have heard the term medical malpractice, but what does it really mean? Medical treatment does not come with a guarantee, and most procedures carry what are termed “accepted complications”. This means that even if the procedure is performed as well as would be expected, sometimes an adverse result or complication will occur. In a legal...
Why Written Worker Contracts are Essential
Many employers underestimate the value of a having a written contract with their workers. One of the biggest challenges employers without a written contract can face is the status of a worker in the event of termination – is that worker an employee or independent contractor? Unfortunately, when a working relationship is terminated, there are often...