The Province of Saskatchewan’s first Public-Private Partnership (P3) project has been completed in Swift Current. The project known as The Meadows is a 225 bed long-term care facility. In a release dated May 2, 2016, the Province confirmed the project was completed on time and on budget resulting in a total savings of $16 million dollars over a traditional procurement approach.
P3s are a unique approach to procuring public infrastructure. The use of the P3 model transfers risk including the expenses associated with cost overruns and delays to the private sector. These risks would otherwise be incurred by the government under a traditional procurement approach.
SaskBuilds is a Treasury Board Crown corporation responsible for leading the review of procurement options in Saskatchewan. Currently the Province is using P3 models in the construction of 18 elementary schools (6 schools on 3 sites in Regina and 12 schools on 6 sites in Saskatoon, Martensville and Warman), the Regina Bypass Project (the largest transportation infrastructure project in the Province’s history) and the Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford (284 bed facility).
McDougall Gauley LLP acted as Saskatchewan counsel to the Design-Build-Finance-Maintain consortium for The Meadows project.
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