Results 61 - 72 of 148
What is the Difference Between Impaired Driving and Drive While Over .08?
The terms “impaired driving” and “drive while over .08” are often used interchangeably to describe a situation where an individual has been stopped by the police and charged as a result of drinking and driving. They in fact are two separate and distinct offences. In most instances an accused will be charged with both impaired driving and drive...
360º Governance: Shareholder or Stakeholder?
On February 22, 2021, the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management released the report: 360º Governance: Where are the Directors in a World in Crisis? The report is authored by Peter Dey and Sarah Kaplan and provides 13 guidelines “aimed at providing clarity to boards (of corporations) on how boards can effectively consider the interests...
Police Powers of Arrest and Use of Force
With the jury hearing opening statements in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin this week, the issues of police powers of arrest and use of force are particularly timely. While laws in Minnesota differ to some degree from Canada, police officers in Canada are generally authorized to arrest a person they find committing a...
The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Confirms That Detainees Have an Expectation of Privacy While Using Toilet Facilities
Earlier this year I wrote a brief piece with respect to the right of privacy we all enjoy from the intrusion of the State into our affairs, our private life and our private property/space. That article primarily considered the powers of law enforcement officials to conduct what are commonly referred to as “Covid-19 Compliance Checks” at our homes...
Provincial COVID-19 Public Health Orders – Police Compliance Checks
All Canadians enjoy a reasonable expectation of privacy. A reasonable expectation of privacy means that we are free from the intrusion of the State or its agents into our affairs, our private life and our private property/space. At its essence, a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy is meant to protect our personal information which, in a...
Alcohol, Drugs & Driving
This time of year we are reminded about the perils of driving after consuming alcohol and/or drugs. The COVID restrictions may have some impact on the frequency of that happening. Below are some frequently asked questions about drinking and driving. Question: Do the police need an excuse to stop you? Answer: No. In Saskatchewan the police can...
Regina, Saskatchewan – John A. Macdonald Statue Legacy Review
If you walk through Victoria Park in downtown Regina, you will find a statute of Sir John A. Macdonald. For some, the statue is a reminder of colonialism and the pain and suffering caused to Indigenous people as a result of policies enacted by our government. People cite Macdonald’s involvement in displacing Indigenous people from the land, the...
I Just Want to Plead Guilty and Get it Over With
From time to time an accused will advise us that while they are not guilty of the particular charge or allegation they are facing, they nonetheless want to enter a guilty plea or apologize in order to “just get it over with”. There are a number of legal and practical problems with doing this. Concerning the legal implications, before the Court can...
Road to Decriminalization
Crown Prosecutors Directed Not to Prosecute Simple Possession of Illicit Drug Offences in New Federal Guideline On July 9th, 2020, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) announced they were calling on the Federal Government to decriminalize simple possession of illegal drugs. Adam Palmer, head of the CACP, stated that this...
Conditional Sentences
Some years ago the Criminal Code was amended to provide for conditional sentences. These are sentences which allow a person who has been convicted of an offence to serve what would otherwise be a jail sentence, in the community. So for example if the Court would normally have intended to sentence a person to twelve months incarceration, rather than...
What Happens When You Have Been Charged and You Call Our Office?
A lot of people are uncertain about what will happen if they call a lawyer to discuss a criminal charge they are facing. They are uncertain about the procedure and the cost. Set out below in general terms is what you can expect to happen if you have been charged and call one of the lawyers in the McDougall Gauley Defence Group. The first thing we...
Sexual Assault – Anonymous Online Allegations vs. Our Criminal Justice System
Posting allegations of sexual assault and harassment online is not a new thing. That being said, it has now become commonplace for social media to act as a platform for alleged victims of sexual assault and harassment to make anonymous complaints. Advocates for these forums of discussion say that anonymous stories of sexual assault and harassment...