McDougall Gauley LLP has been named a Top Prairie Firm for 2023-2024 by Canadian Lawyer.
Canadian Lawyer is a comprehensive group of media properties for the legal profession, dedicated to delivering unbiased reporting and analysis of legal practice and the profession. Canadian Lawyer surveys its readers for the top full-service regional firms in the Prairie provinces. The rankings were based on regional service coverage, client base, notable mandates, service excellence and legal expertise of the firms.
Michael Milani, K.C., Chair of the firm’s Executive Committee, observed that the firm is very honoured to be recognized again this year. The firm’s objective of exceptional client service is achieved by hiring and retaining the best people and by creating a culture of cooperation and teamwork. Michael noted: “It is very rewarding to see that the focus of the entire McDougall Gauley team, on helping our clients succeed, is recognized. Achieving this sort of commendation happens because of the contributions made by every single member of our team.”
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